Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue to for these “makers” to show hobbies, experiments, projects.
Come support your fellow Kent State entrepreneurial students by shopping at the 2nd LaunchNET Pop-up Shop at Yogurt Vi (downtown Kent on Thursday April 27th!
Join us as we celebrate another great year at LaunchNET Kent State!
We are changing things up a bit this year! Instead of a morning event, our 4th annual Awards & Expo event will be held in downtown Kent during the evening.
Come to see what our clients have been building as they exhibit their ventures, meet other friends of LaunchNET, and learn about all we do to support entrepreneurship and innovation at Kent State.
Join LaunchNET and USG for a day-long hackathon-style competition on Friday, April 28, where teams from each College will bring innovative idea for campus improvements and learn how to vet and present them to a panel of judges. The winning team(s) will get the chance to make their idea a reality, leaving their mark on Kent State and getting bragging rights for their College.
On March 9, two teams that formed during the Fashion/Tech Hackathon in January took top spots at the annual LaunchNET Kent State Idea Olympics competition. “Abeona, the total immersion jacket” took first place, while “Hermes, the helmet with brains,” took second place.
JumpStart’s Core City: Cleveland “Pitch Your Business” Competition Want to be part of our “Pitch Your Business” Competition on 4/19? We’ll be choosing 10 entrepreneurs from the city of Cleveland to pitch their business idea to our panel of judges. The winner will walk away with $1,000! To be eligible, you must make an appointment to present your pitch to one of our business advisors by 4/7.
Launch League is bringing together a bunch of Akron’s tech, business, and design talent with city officials and citizens to solve some of the city’s biggest challenges.
Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship Research at the Hudson Library presents Entrepreneurs tell their Success Stories - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at Hudson Library & Historical Society
Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship Research at the Hudson Library presents Introduction to Proposal Writing & Budgeting for Grant Writers - Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at Hudson Library & Historical Society
Thanks for Reading! Be sure to check out our social media outlets, where we share even more resources, opportunities, and events.
LaunchNET Kent State · 101-z Kent Student Center | PO Box 5190 · Kent 44242 · United States of America