Rock You
The Latest & Greatest from LaunchNET Kent State
Boobys. Bands. Capybaras. Merch.

All for free. All for you.

Rock concert is happening this Thursday in the DI Hub, hosted by moi -- I mean nous.

Details are below. I better see you there.

Highlights for the Week: the aforementioned concert, the famous small business showcase, a contest for crafters, brunch for the beauties, fixing and mixing, and a charcuterie class 🧀
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News & Announcements
Small Business Showcase
Join us for our end of semester showcase! This will be a tabling event featuring Kent State student and alumni entrepreneurs and the businesses they have been working on. Sign up to have a table and grow your audience, or simply to attend and support local entrepreneurs.

Thursday, April 10 from 4-6pm
2nd Floor Lobby in the DI Hub
Join Us!
Crafterpreneur Contest
For the 2025 Crafterpreneurship Contest, LaunchNET KSU would like you to create a crafted work that displays your value proposition. In other words, what makes you special as a creative or as person? Submit an image or video of your craft in the form below to enter!

One grand prize winner will receive $100 and a feature to promote their craft!

Submit by Friday, March 28th
Submit Now
Beauty Business Brunch
We'll be hosting a lunch and roundtable to discuss marketing, customer retention, the ins and outs of owning a beauty company, pitfalls to avoid, how to create a repeat customer, standing out from competition and more!

Wednesday, March 26 from 12-1:30pm
Register Here
Events & Opportunities
Fix It - Kent | Design Innovation
Do you have skills of repair? Come share them at the DI Hub’s upcoming Fix-It Kent repair workshop!  We’re looking for volunteers to share their expertise in topics including (but not limited to) electronics, woodworking, mending and sewing, as well as folks with general hand and power tool knowledge.

Volunteers will work one-on-one with participants to share advice, coach them through the repair process, and help them build confidence in their skills.

Thursday, April 24 from 4-8pm
Sign Up to Volunteer
Founders & Friends