Supporting Kent State founders, innovators, dreamers, and doers
The latest & greatest from LaunchNET Kent State
"Entrepreneurship is not just about building companies. It's about giving individuals the means to take charge of their economic destinies."
All the CEO Ladies entrepreneurship series, a collaboration of the KSU Women's Center & LaunchNET, is a monthly program geared toward female entrepreneurs. Meetings are designed for each participant to learn entrepreneurial skills, establish accountability amongst one another and build a professional network.
Join us for: "Where's the Money??" Wednesday, November 29, 2017 5:30pm : Williamson House
Learn best practices of managing your personal and business finances!
Ready to learn how to hustle your artistic gifts? Learn more & help kickoff the series on Friday, February 2!
Speakers from all kinds of artistic fields will come to talk about marketing yourself, creative professional finances, and the legal issues you should know about. They will also answer questions and you'll work on a project of your own.
The Accelerating Startup Partnership and Investment Readiness (ASPIRE) program provides training and support to early-stage science and technology startups.
Accelerate is a pitch competition which gives northeast Ohio citizens the chance to win seed money to help launch their idea to make the region a better place.