Ready to learn how to hustle your artistic gifts? Learn more & help kickoff the series on Friday! FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 AT NOON (Come for as much as you can, between 12-1:30) Kurt Reed, guitarist, instructor, and owner of the Fairlawn & Hudson School of Music, will be our kickoff speaker!
Find out more about serving as a table discussion leader for the NEO Innovates STEM Commercialization & Entrepreneurship Forum on February 27. Get $25 for your time! Fill out your contact info below!
LaunchNET Kent State is proud to announce our NEW Student Startup Scholarship! LaunchNET clients can receive a $1000 scholarship and can also nominate a faculty member for an award.
CONGRATS to client (and KSU alum) Miriam Daniels for her profile in ArtsNow!
Be sure to brag on yourself to us if you get some coverage! Also, learn more about making a living as an artist at the multiple-session CREATIVE HUSTLE series.
Let us know if you have something to include in our newsletter. Has your company reached a significant milestone? Gotten some great press coverage? Hired an employee? Launched a product? Exhibited at an event?
The Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) is the premier global competition for students who own and operate a business while attending college or university. Undergraduate and graduate students who own and operate a business for at least six months are eligible to compete.
Join local founders as they share startup lessons they’ve learned the hard way. From creating, validating and selling a product, to assembling a team and raising multiple rounds of capital, get personal advice on what it really takes to build a tech company in Ohio from people who’ve already been there.