-— you're an all star.
The Latest & Greatest from LaunchNET Kent State
As the legendary Smash Mouth once said: well, the years start comin' and they don't stop comin'

As a first grading running laps in the gym to this song, I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics. I was more focused on not having an asthma attack while also not being the slowest one in the room.

As a third grader watching Shrek for the first time, I still didn't pay attention to the lyrics. That green ogre was simply too captivating and my sense of vision took over my sense of hearing.

As a an adult however, with a fully developed frontal lobe, I finally listened. Not only do the years start comin' and they don't stop comin' but so do the days. It's September 4th.

Highlights for the week: Cleveland conference opportunity sponsored by us, student grants for your business, the workshops have begun, and cool events on and off campus 🦦
Advising Available In-Person & Virtually
If you are a current client, click the button above to schedule with your advisor.
If you haven't met with a LaunchNET advisor yet, you can sign up at ksulaunch.net/apply
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News & Announcements
FutureLAND Attendance Opportunity
Attend FutureLAND taking place in Cleveland from October 10-12, 2024

LaunchNET is sponsoring this professional development opportunity for a small group of current student entrepreneurs to attend the conference. We will be covering ticket fees and providing a $100 travel stipend.

Must Submit by Friday, September 6 at 12:00 PM
Submit Now
Student Morgan Startup Grants
The LaunchNET student Morgan Startup Grant program is focused on helping student entrepreneurs Launch and Scale-Up their businesses. Applicants may request up to $500 or $1,250 depending on the stage they're at.

Must apply by September 13, 2024
Apply Here
The Branding Blueprint
Are you a business owner trying to navigate the vast realm of branding and design?

This one hour workshop will include a presentation on the basics of branding and a working session to build out your brand. 

Thursday, September 19 from 4-5pm
Register Here
Ask a Lawyer
Get your business questions answered by a lawyer - for free!

This workshop is your opportunity to ask a lawyer general questions about your startup. From intellectual property to contracts, get the guidance you need to navigate your business with confidence.

Followed by open hours to meet with the lawyer one-on-one!

Monday, September 23 from 12-2pm
Sign Up
Events & Opportunities
Session 1 is "A Duet with A.I." and looks at the productive tension/friction between the artist/designer and the AI agent through a creative dialogue/process, much similar to a ballet dancer embracing gravity or a sculptor taming a medium.

Followed by a hands-on workshop to implement what you learned!

Happening Friday, September 20
Register Now
I-Pitch Competition | UARF
Take part in a night of inspiring innovation as you watch top I-Corps participants take a shot for the I-Pitch Competition prize money. Afterwards, celebrate and enjoy some fine charcuterie and signature handmade cocktails with friends and your new connections.

Tuesday, September 24 from 5-8pm
Register Here