Keeping things simple and sweet and silly.
The Latest & Greatest from LaunchNET Kent State
I know most of you are in the midst of finals so I won't keep you long.

It's been a quuuuuite a semester but you know what, you're almost through it and you've done some exceptional things along the way. Congrats on your smaller and larger accomplishments. Get some well-deserved mental and physical rest on this break.

Highlights for the week include: we want your feedback on the marketing series, a new podcast episode is live, I-Corps application and tips for applying, and Instagram upgrades are live.
Advising Available In-Person & Virtually this Summer
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If you haven't met with a LaunchNET advisor yet, you can sign up at
News & Announcements
The Marketing Series is Back!
Next semester we are bringing back the marketing series hosted by Kent State alum and experienced entrepreneur, Angelique Wong. 

As we are planning, we'd like your feedback on timing and content. This survey will only take a few minutes to fill out. Thank you!
Let's Get After It w/ Teddi Wilson
Illustrator, designer, artist, and now entrepreneur. Teddi Wilson exudes creativity in every aspect of her life and is now using that talent to develop her own brand.

Hear how Teddi began her journey into the arts and where it’s brought her today on Let’s Get After It 🎙
Listen Here
Winter Coat & Clothing Drive
Annual School of Art Holiday Sale
Join us in the CVA on Dec. 7 & 8 from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. for our Annual Holiday Sale!

Artwork and gifts handmade by Kent State University, School of Art students. Featuring Textiles, Ceramics, Jewelry Metals, Prints, Glass and more!
Learn More
Events & Opportunities
GSEA Cleveland
GSEA is a pitch competition for college student entrepreneurs (both undergraduate and graduate students) with a cash and in-kind prize package and the opportunity to advance from the regional round to the national and international levels.

Apply by December 31
Apply Here
I-Corps | UARF
Join I-Corps and...
- Learn how to speak directly with potential customers
- Get direct feedback on your business idea and learn and apply best practices on the business model canvas
- Work with experienced business mentors
- Open a door of opportunities and funding from graduating I-Corps to participating in our exclusive I-Pitch Competition!

Apply by February 11
Apply Here
Resources & Education
UARF is preparing for the latest I-Corps cohort. While the application is quite short, there are a few pivotal items that we look for in a stellar applicant. Here are three ways applicants can stand out and show us that they are ready for the customer discovery program.

Instagram has announced a number of improvements to Reels, feed photos, carousels, and Stories, and new insights to help you better understand your performance.