Make your move !
The Latest & Greatest from LaunchNET Kent State
There's something so intimidating about starting something new. Whether it's in your professional life or personal life, there's this monumental mental hurdle to get over.

I've been putting off starting something recently. Saying the timing is bad or I don't have what I need or what even is the point of doing it.

But I knew these were simply excuses. Ways to avoid even approaching the wall I had built in my head.

And then it hit me...this was in my head. The hurdle was invisible. So why was I getting so worked up and held back by something that didn't even exist?

Highlights for the week: a flurry of our events covering topics from fashion to law to branding, AI and marketing workshops, a winter trip, and look at that -— even more AI 🤖
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News & Announcements
The Branding Blueprint
Are you a business owner trying to navigate the vast realm of branding and design?

This one hour workshop will include a presentation on the basics of branding and a working session to build out your brand.
Thursday, September 19 from 4-5pm
Register Here
Alumni Entrepreneur Cohort
Consisting of virtual monthly meetings, every third Thursday from 6-7pm for Kent State Alumni Entrepreneurs.

The first meeting will be covering Operations Management.

Thursday, September 19 from 6-7pm
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Ask a Lawyer
Get your business questions answered by a lawyer - for free!

This workshop is your opportunity to ask a lawyer general questions about your startup. From intellectual property to contracts, get the guidance you need to navigate your business with confidence.

Followed by open hours to meet with the lawyer one-on-one!

Monday, September 23 from 12-2pm
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LunchNET: Fashion w/ Jasmine Rene Studio
The lunch hour speaker series to connect with local entrepreneurs! This month we are featuring Jasmine Johnson from Jasmine Rene Studio! Jasmine is a Kent State alumna who is using her fashion degree to support her own business where she creates custom luxury gowns.

Tuesday, September 24 from 12-1pm 
Save Your Spot
HerBiz LaunchLab
HerBiz is a supportive space for women entrepreneurs to develop and grow their businesses. You'll participate in a 5-week cohort with workshops, receive expert mentorship, and connect with a community of like-minded women.

Plus, you’ll receive a $250 stipend!

Must Apply by Thursday, September 26
Apply Here
Events & Opportunities
Collaborative A.I. in the Creative Sectors | Session 1
Session 1 is "A Duet with A.I." and looks at the productive tension/friction between the artist/designer and the AI agent through a creative dialogue/process, much similar to a ballet dancer embracing gravity or a sculptor taming a medium.

Followed by a hands-on workshop to implement what you learned!

Happening Friday, September 20
Register Here
Digital Marketing: Virtual Workshop Series
This 7-week series provides growth-stage small business owners with a foundation for developing a sound and sustainable digital marketing strategy.

Apply by Friday, September 20
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Copper Mountain Ski & Snowboard Trip | ACA
Anyone Can Adventure is a LaunchNET client that hosts budget-conscious winter trips for adventure lovers. This season they are exploring Copper Mountain, Colorado!

Check them out and sign up if you're interested.

Payment plan option available until October 4. Last day to sign up is November 8. 
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Resources & Education

Get ahead of the competition and automate simple tasks using artificial intelligence; here are the best tools for marketers and marketing agencies.
